open dharma meditation retreats

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~ Open Dharma around the world

open dharma postcards from retreats around the world

35-day retreat in Kotdwar, 2007

by Jaya Ashmore


Day 2
During cleaning
in the hall
3-inch black scorpion

Outside boys throw
lumps of clay over the wall
at our private interviews,
give flowers to someone on a walk

Day 6
Turning around to arrive

Day 7
Ripe wheat flat slopes up to sudden
low mountains
(forest on uncommon shapes)
Afternoon wrapped women wave
green flags of weeds,
bundled then tossed
out of golden wheat slant

backlit western hills burn lavender
eastern hills bask in green patchworks

Everything almost meets in one color: mountains, weather, time, women
Just before dark
all turns almost into
Even sound itself
riding free
tossed outside itself
almost turns
into light


smooth white sprays
out of the sleeping wheat

open dharma meditation flower